My Testimony to the Assembly

I am fully persuaded, by the testimony, works and sacrifice of my Lord Jesus Christ, the Apostles, Prophets and Saints, and by the revelation of Truth as given to me by the Holy Spirit; That God-is-LOVE and His Love in us, is the Light of humankind. And that True Love; The Life in Christ - The Way, Is the Life of the spirit in us.

"For God is Spirit and True Love proceeds from Him".

That the Body of Christ is not seen by the eyes of flesh but by the Holy Spirit of God in us; to whom He reveals it. That Faith comes by the word of Truth as delivered to us, thru Jesus Christ in us and is not blind. That if we abide in Him, He abides in us, And that by True Love; The Love of God in us, guides us, revealing the Truth in all things as we have need, even Himself. I swear that: All that I have written here is True And that it came to me from the Father, and is not of Man. William de Azevedo Godinho The witness is in you.   site: